Wednesday, January 27, 2010

just won $5.oo

Just won $5.oo this will help with my debt. Small amt I know but every "dime" help.

Honey Nut Cheerios Sweet Rewards Giveaway

US, 8+

Limit: One (1) Instant Win Game prize per person per day with a maximum of ten (10) Instant Win Game prizes per person during the Promotion Period.

10 plays daily

FREE CODE: K30FR-H4F3H- 7720

http://generalmills nuts/index. tbapp

Money Crashers

To celebrate the New Year, Money Crashers decided to host a month-long giveaway, soliciting lots of great prizes from sponsors. They started the month with several prizes, but as the month has gone on, the number of prizes has just exploded! Right now they are up to over $9100 in prizes, including:
$3150 in cash
$1105 in gift cards
2 Amazon Kindles
The entire line of iPods
I entered myself yesterday. I figure with so many prizes, I might have a chance to win something. But more importantly, I want to support a fellow personal finance site that is doing something great by hosting such a large giveaway for their readers.
So go over and show your support! And in the process, you just might win something! The contest ends on January 31, so if you’re going to enter, do it soon!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Total

Signed up for Dave Ramseys my total money Hope it helps now to get all those bills put on there. Will post more tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

jan 6

Thought I had a great plan with our money this month till my son tells me he was talking to girl for college. Cool I thought until I got the cell phone bill 400.00 dollars because she lives in canada ! We live in south texas why could he not just find a girl in our calling plan. Guess I will need to rearrange some things to pay it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jan 5-Dinner and coupons

Tonight I made a Mexican casserole, re fried beans and some fruit.

I purchased a few high dollar coupons online coupons from the coupon website.

We did not eat at so that makes 4 dinners and 4 lunches so far we have eaten at home or work. I do think we will have lunch out tomorrow but we have that in our weekly plan . I do need to finish my dave ramsey money program this weekend and I need to gather tax stuff so I can do the finical aid paperwork.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Jan 4-dinner

We ate out of the pantry again. We had:
Pork loin (angel food)
apples,cooked (leftovers)
cabbage (leftovers)
Ranch style beans (leftovers)

Bob got breakfast tacos today and we had them around 10 so I was not hungry for lunch so I saved my salad with grilled shrimp for tuesday lunch. So that will mean we did not eat out mon,tues. Every little savings counts !

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Grocery Shopping - Jan3

Went to the grocery store for the weeks grocery. I did plan all days breakfast,lunch and dinner. I am fixing dinner for 4. First I went shopping in my own pantry. Then I went and took my list with coupons. Ended up spending $77.62 and used $11.74 in coupons. So the goal this week is not to go back to the store till next weekend.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Jan 2-Day trip

Today we took a day trip to San Antonio (2 hours away). I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast before we left. When we got there we stopped at a Mexican restaurant and had breakfast tacos . Cost was 14.00 with tip
Then we went to the mall. I spent 12.00 in bath and body works. We could not find my college son the tennis shoes he was looking for so we went to Acadamy. We had budgeted 50.00 for shoes but when we got there found out they were 110.00. I looked quickly online on my cell phone and that was the going price and since he was going back to college we went ahead a got them. Then we went to lunch with friends and payed. The bill was 79.99 but this was all ready in our budget because it was their Christmas gift. We then went to several other stores were I spent a total of 22.00. I did pass up on a lot of things I looked at because I know I need to save and really don't need more junk.
Usually we would have stopped at a fast food restaurant on the drive home but we went ahead and came straight home and heated up leftovers.

So all in all we did better then we have in the past but can work on it still.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Jan 1 - Eating out of the pantry

I decided that we would eat out of the pantry this month so we can use up what we have. I am only going to spend 50.00 a week on milk,bread etc.

So we had steak (from Angel food), sweet potatoes, green beans and cooked apples.

Tomorrow we are going out of town for the day. I have budgeted $100.00 for food,gas and misc..I will let you know how it goes

Also today I entered my Dec. receipts into the money program.

Happy New Year

Its the first day of the new year. What goals do I have this year?
Lose 20 pounds by april so that I will enjoy looking at the pictures we take on our cruise.
Tighten up our budget by:
Eating out dinner with the kids 1x a week
Eating lunch in at work at least 3x a week
Not using debit card for eating out when I don't have the cash in my envelope
Not buying any more scrapbooking supplies except for adhesives
Track my coupons.
Get the house in better order so the kids are not embrassed to bring friends over
spend at least 1 night watching tv with wayne even if he changes the channel 500 times

I am off to enjoy the day. see you all tomorrow.